Sunday, March 4, 2012

Time flies...!!!

Although it seems unbelievable, our next care packaging event is coming up soon!! It feels like just yesterday that we had our ninth event and sent more than fifty care packages to soldiers overseas.

Volunteers after another successful event
Our tenth event will take place on Saturday, April 14th. We will be looking for volunteers to help on Saturday to prepare the care packages. If you are unable to help on that day, you can help in other ways as well. We are in great need of supplies to fill the care packages. Please use our Suggested Supply Donation list (found above in the Important Documents link) as a guide for needed supplies. Donations need to be submitted by Friday, April 6th. To recommend a soldier to receive a package at our next event, please fill out the Soldier Referral Form (found above in the Important Documents link) and send it to us. If you are interested in helping in these or other ways, please contact us to become involved in another great event!

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