Friday, January 25, 2013

What Makes A Care Package Even Sweeter??

...Girl Scout Cookies!!

We will be partnering with the Turners Falls Brownie Troop #12943 to send Girl Scout Cookies in our next shipment of care packages on Saturday, April 20th.  Troop Leader, Heather Poirier, recently contacted OTOH in hopes of adding some extra sweetness to our care packages.  Heather has sent care packages to a loved one previously stationed overseas.  She knows how much these packages mean to our troops.  We hope to include at least one box of Girl Scout Cookies in each package for this next event.

If you are interested in donating a box of cookies, please contact Heather at:

The Brownie Troop will also be helping to prepare the care packages and will be bringing letters and drawings to be included.  We are very excited about this new collaboration and look forward to hearing from you!  Mark your calendars and be on the look-out for more information about our next event!