It seems like only yesterday that we were collecting supplies and gathering soldiers' addresses for our care packaging event in April. And here we are again preparing for our next event on Saturday, November 2nd! As with every event, there are countless details to be addressed beforehand. From hanging up event posters to purchasing supplies to collecting soldiers' addresses, each task is important to ensure we have a successful event. One vital piece of our preparations include fundraising. OTOH operates entirely on donations received from local businesses and community members. Our biggest expense always remains the same--the cost of shipping the care packages. For our last event in April, it cost more than $700 to send the care packages. Each package costs $14.85 to ship and we anticipate that we will send roughly 50 packages in November. In order to ensure that OTOH is able to continue our efforts, help is needed! If you are interested in donating to our cause, you may send a check made payable to Operation Touch of Home at 93 Royalston Road, Orange, MA 01364.
As you can imagine, there are many more ways to become involved! If you're interested in helping us either before or at the event, please contact us at to share your ideas. We look forward to hearing from you!!